Tuesday, 7 April 2015

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Photoshop is an editing software manufactured by Adobe Systems Inc.  Whilst using this software I realised that it allows users to manipulate and correct the colour on photos. Photoshop opened my eyes to how many professionals are able to edit out many of their mistakes without any of their audience realizing. However it was a very long process to get the handle of; from selecting a different layer each time, to applying any effect I may have added. There were many tools on Photoshop that I had to get used to in order to perfect my skills. 2 of the main tools that I think I used the most were the ‘Move Tool’ and the ‘Magic Wand Tool’. Since i was always inserting objects, I had to become an expert at what these two tools could do. As well as the outline tool that let me cut out bits of an image that I didn't want included.  I have to think that Photoshop was the software that most of my music magazine was made, and has helped me greatly makes my magazine seem more professional.

 InDesign was the hardest program I used during my magazine creation, although I didn't use it as much as Photoshop. Adobe InDesign is a desktop publishing software application; it can be used to create posters, magazines, newspapers. Whilst suing InDesign I realised that it was the perfect software for applying text to any picture of background. It allows the text of my music magazine to seem more realistic, through the layout and structure. With the help of the guidelines I was able to insert on my front cover the cover lines where all align with each other on both sides of the page, making it seem more professional.

A popular website I was able to find online was ‘PicMonkey’. PicMonkey is an online editing website which allows uploading any image from your computer and editing them with a given range of effects. I think that this website gave me and escape from Photoshop, and was a quick and simple way of quickly edit an image that I thought needed to be portrayed differently to my target readers. Once i had edited my images, PicMonkey also gave me the option to share or save the image, I decided to do both on social media, this gave me the feedback I needed, whether the effect that I had chosen was a good choice or not.

When it came to presenting my evaluation in various ways, Prezi was a presentation website that I had come across, which allowed me to display my work in an eye-catching mind map. I think that Prezi also helped me a lot, as it enables the readers the say interested through the different designs and colour of my own choice. With the help of Prezi I was also able to upload images that would help the readers imagine what the context is about or trying to portray. After making the mind map I was fortunately given the options to share and save my mind map which would allow any other person interested in media, which thought as a great way of expanding its target market.

Blogger was the main source of keeping track of all of my work, it help me whenever I didn't know what was needed to be done or even what had been done already. It was a checklist of my progress, and showed me how to publish my work online. I was also able to categorize my work into subheading, such as homework and class work, which helped a lot when it came to fine missing work that had to be completed. I was also found out how to make various blogs depending on the content I could even give them different titles and URLs.   

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