Thursday 29 January 2015

Cover Page Editing


After coming to a conclusion on the pictures I’m going to use, I decided to keep a track on how I came about editing my pictures to fit the magazines genre.
I decided to use an online website to tint the picture slightly, making the background look a little bit grey I thought that this would make my model’s expression stand out more, making her look more serious. However i then done some research about the type on background color that is most often chosen, and for hip hop especially female artists it tends to be white. As seen from the photos of magazine covers below, the white background firstly makes it stand out to readers and catch their attention. As well as helping the artists themselves to stand out also. The white background helps to create a sense of wealth with high standards, yet powerful as the color also emphasizes their facial expressions:
Unfortunately behind my model there was also a door knob in the picture, which I had to cover with the background original color and then blend it in with the rest.

I decided to also to get rid of the shine in the picture as well as on my models face, this way the picture with look more professional and taking in a studio with the right equipment. Since this picture is for my front cover I also made some more space on the right side of my model so that there would be enough room to fit some text in.

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