Monday 5 January 2015

Location and Pictures

Location & Pictures

The locations I have decided to use for my cover pictures were my house, the reason for this is because if i were to do it outside and then again another day the lighting wouldn’t be the same therefore because the lighting in the house was good, I decided to stay at home for my first couple of pictures. After these I then decided to go behind my friend’s house as there are some graffiti wring that I could use as the models background which would also help emphasis the genre of my magazine. Finally there were also some slight costume changes were my model is wearing a tight black top with a black and gold chain, to a oversized jacket.
From research that I’ve done some females artists covers on music magazines will portray themselves how males do in there, usually to convey a message to their audience – musicians who have famously done this for magazines are Ciara and BeyoncĂ©. In my coursework I will also be challenging the usual portrayal of females on my magazine cover, where the woman is shown as the more powerful person. The common ways to do this is through costume and lighting, because a change in the way women are dressed can make them seem powerful automatically – although I will still stick to dressing the artist in the usual “skimpy” clothing, I will use colour stereotypes for example black clothing to show them as powerful.

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