Friday 16 January 2015


My Typography

For my front cover I decided to use sans serif for all the text including the Masthead and Cover Lines, this is because from some research I realize that sans serif fonts are usually easier to read works than serif fonts. Sans serif fonts also make the individual letters more distinctive and easier for our brains to recognize quickly. The use of sans serif fonts is because the near-uniform width of the strokes keeps the font readable when reduced in resolution or reduced in font size. Because sans serif fonts are more legible from farther away, this will make it easier for my magazine to be read and recognized from far away for my intended audience.


After finding some suitable sans serif fonts I couldn't decide from there which one to choose, so I therefore asked some people for their opinions of which one they thought I should choose. Here are some of the answers:

From the messages I received from people, I decided to use the second sans serif font for the masthead, the cover lines, date and the text in the magazine. I also decided to do the same for my model’s name as I found 3 different fonts, but they were also similar in my opinion that I couldn't choose.

From the opinions I received from people, I decided to go with the second font which would be for my models name located on the cover page as well as the double page spread.

I also decided to use sans serif font for my contents page as well, since from most research I have read there were paragraphs on how sans serif fonts are easier to inform pole on things. A for my contents page, it will be showing my readers what most of the pages will be showing , since it’s know that sans serif makes the brain for my intended audience believe its less boring, as serif fonts tend to be for more important information. For this reason, I’ll be making the text on my double page spread serif, which will also emphasise that this is the main story of the magazine.

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