Monday 16 February 2015

Contents Page Editing

Contents Page Editing

For my contents page I decided to add in a little advertisement at the bottom left corner to make the page look more realistic, with the help of InDesign. From some research I had done on what to advertise inside a magazine most website had written how some magazines done advertise other business products or service, but advertise an offer of their own for their readers, this way the magazine would still be gaining more attention. I decided
to go with ‘Subscribe Today for just £5.57 a Month’. The typeface I wanted this sentence to be was something that is completely different from the rest of the page this way it would stand out more from the reader’s perspective. I also decided to get rid of my ‘PLUS’ paragraph as there wasn't any more room for it and it looked a bit too random for this page. From looking at some researched contents pages, I realised that they always make the main featuring artists number page bolder or different in some way from the rest. So I therefore decided to go with the same typeface as my model’s name on the front cover page, this way it would be easily recognised from the readers that this page number will have her interview on it. At the bottom right hand side of my contents page, I included some social connections for my music magazine. Beside the social connections are the logos of the accounts I have created, this way if the red writing that I decided to type with, wouldn't catch their attention the logos will as they’re are well known companies. 

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