Sunday 8 February 2015

Content Page Editing

Contents Page Editing

Now that I have got the layout that I can actually work with, I managed to copy all the text and masthead as well as the small image i had on the side onto this page. I was finding it hard to make both contents page and cove page flow together at first, but once I managed to add a color gradient of grey to the background for some reason I thought it looked 100 times better. I also changed the color of my masthead from red to black but kept the TAKEOVER as red. This was because I wanted the masthead of the magazine to be represented as the logo for my contents page. Turning ‘CONTENTS’ from red to black would make it stand out more from the rest of the text so that the readers are able to instantly know what the page will be about. From some research that I had done on contents pages, I realized that almost all publishers tend to use guidelines in order for their numbers to stay in line with one another. Therefore I inserted some of my own so that the page would have more structure.

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