Monday 16 February 2015

Double Page Editing

Double Page Editing

After looking at my double page spread I realised that the black lines at the top and bottom were a bit too thick, so I therefore decided to make them smaller. However in order to do this I had to stretch the background picture which included the actual model. I also changed the size of my strap line at the top of both pages this way it would be more noticeable for the
readers. I was also thinking that the text on my double page spread was a bit small for the readers to see so I therefore went back on my InDesign and made the front 1 more size bigger. At the top of the page I also noticed that it was a bit plain, so I decided to go back on InDesign and include a small strap line. ‘Aimee Lee reveals her heart breaking story, page 21…’ This will also benefit the magazine as well once the readers finish reading the double page spread they can ten move onto reading another page that is advertised at eh top of the pages.

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