Tuesday 10 February 2015

Cover Page Editing

Cover Page Editing

Looking at my magazine’s front cover I was thinking that it was looking a bit too simple so I therefore decided to add some more selling lines around my models picture. This way, the
 readers will have more of an idea of some the featuring artists in my magazine as well as some of the other magazine’s contents. I also decided to move the publishing date for my magazine to below to the masthead; this was so I could add in a strap line. The reason I decided to use a strapline is because straplines are known for being a type of catchphrase for your business. They are most commonly seen in adverts and on large signs; but can also be useful for promoting a business’ message. In Britain, straplines are md, and they are often called other names, including ‘slogans’ and ‘taglines’. Therefore the ‘slogan’ for my music magazine is: ‘SPECIAL EDITION   2015 MAXIMUM HOT 100’.

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