Wednesday 18 February 2015

Front Cover Editing

Front Cover Editing

In order to make my front cover more appealing, all I had left to do was add some more selling lines towards the top side of the models face, this way the page will look more full and informative. I also researched and saw that on the front cover that I used as inspiration; most front covers had puffs or a plus. When it came to deciding where on my front cover the ‘Plus’ text was going to go; I firstly went with positioning it just above ‘AZALEA’. However the background was of my models body warmer was black and therefore clashed with the
actually plus sign. So I therefore decided to position it just to the right of my models face as the lighting was brighter making it easier for the readers to notice it.  I then decided to make the featuring sign ‘ Exclusive The Queen of Hip Hop AZALEA’ larger, since it is the main unique selling point that will attract my potential target audience. The selling lines on the right side of my front cover also needed to be tidied up; as the spaces between each line weren't even which I thought would not help my front cover’s professionalism. I also decided to add ‘Issue 10’ on top of the bar code, just to give it the edge.

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