Thursday 5 February 2015

Double Page Spread Background

Double page spreads are used to expand on some of the articles that were mentioned on the front cover of the magazine. They usually include a large image that covers most of the page and little text is used so that the attention is mainly on the image. These spreads can also be used for advertisements as readers will be able to look at the advertisement without getting distracted by any other pages. At this stage of my double page spread, I have only managed to add the background which is my model leaning against a brick wall with the masthead spread across the top. When it came to editing my double page spread image, I decided to use Cinerama edit. This allowed my picture to look more dusk and urban. I think this allowed my models expression to stand out more as artists who are in the Hip Hop industry always have on a serious facial expression, which would allow my target readers to hopefully denote the music genre. From this point of view I can see clearly where the text for my double page spread will be as well as the page numbers. Since the house style is red and black and white I wanted the pages to flow by making the masthead red as well as the questions that i'll be typing this page. 

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