Monday 16 February 2015

Contents Page Editing

Contents Page Editing

In order for my contents page and cover page to flow I decided to add the similar background covers for my subheadings, and got rid of the black line at the bottom. After a while I didn't feel it was necessary that I had it, I think I was trying to make sure that both my content page and double page spread flowed together nicely, however later on I realised that my double page spread is the page which is supposed to stand out the most as it contains the featuring artists on it. I also decreased the size of my fonts, this way I can add more text onto the page and make it seem more informative. Although when it came
towards the bottom of my page the colors started to clash with my models clothing. Therefore I decided to add a small advertisement instead, in order to make it stand out compared to the rest of the text on the page I used a larger bold typeface to catch my readers eye. However I didn't want it to seem to different to the rest of the page and ruin the color scheme i had chosen, so I therefore used a similar typeface to the titles I've been using and a similar bold red.

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