Wednesday 4 February 2015

Contents Page Editing

Contents Page Editing
For my contents page I because my music genre is Hip Hop, I research a lot of magazine contents page to see how they’re presented and organised. From the images I saw as well as the information I read, most contents page had one a background image of the main celebrity featuring in the magazine.

I thought that this would be a good idea, as the contents page would help give the readers more of the idea of Hip Hop if my cover page wasn't good enough. However due to the mark scheme as well as the layout plan I had already put together I thought I should stick to layouts similar to these.

For the contents image I decided to use one of the images I took of my model sitting down in a park near by. Since it was the contents page I didn't really want the image to stand out that much compared to by cover page and double page spread. I therefore used the online editing website on the internet called Pic Monkey. Since I aimed for my contents page to be slightly dark, I also wanted the picture to blend in, so I increased the contrasting light in the picture.

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